This is a system ruled by the 0.1%, one which feigns beneficence by performing public acts of concern for equally small—or even smaller—minorities. This is the low cost approach to “social justice,” and to make it seem more valuable it requires an enormous amount of theatrics and media exposure. This is, after all, a system of inflated values, one which can issue vast amounts of fake empathy as easily as it prints money. We have a system that will turn everything upside down as part of a protection racket, using select minorities to amass and centralize both power and profit. The minority can be the 0.001% of Canadians who died from Covid; that one child alleged to have died from/with Covid in Quebec in a two-year period; or the 0.003% of Canadians who identified as “non-binary or transgender” in the latest national census. When the minority in question is significantly larger, say those who resisted the invasive and harmful injection of an experimental gene therapy—roughly 15% of all Canadians, or several million people—then the system is quite happy to invoke a majoritarian “common good”. When it suits the job of the perpetual promoters, however, the “common good” is suddenly not so “common” at all, and is decidedly not “good”.
We are talking here about the wearing of “masks,” and how they are no longer mandated for federally-regulated travel in Canada. How are masks not “good” for the intended purpose of reducing the spread of a respiratory virus, and may even do harm? Because over 150 studies say so, if this matters to whose who fancy themselves as makers of “science-based” decisions. For those who value personal experience and first-hand observation, then it’s just enough to remember that we went through seven “waves” in Canada, all while everyone was “masked”. At some point, it has to strike a sentient being: “Hey, these things aren’t working!” And if they worked, would you have needed “the vaccines”? And if the masks and the injected investigational medical prototypes worked, then why were social distancing and lockdowns needed? The following image expresses it much better:
We have a case here, one that involves persons who never wore a mask before 2020, but who now deem it essential to their very survival. More than that, they require everyone around them to be masked too—because their masks will not work unless you also wear a mask that does not work. This is the orthodox “logic” we have faced, and which has worn out its very last shred of credibility, even for the federal upholders of eternal nonsense. Regime media have routinely amplified this message of “wear a mask to protect the immunocompromised” since provincial measures in Canada were dropped. It is one of their few remaining angles for stoking Covid fear, and thus demanding absolute conformity and sacrifice.
In this selective story, we have a dynamic complainer and suitable victim who suddenly learns that the Canadian federal government is not making a "science-based decision":
“...the bigger disappointment is the fact that I can’t count on the federal government to make science-based decisions around the pandemic anymore, and that’s really disappointing”.
Anymore? Perhaps it is her self-declared “pre-existing mild traumatic brain injury” speaking. Or perhaps she has not been in Canada, or anywhere, for this entire period. If a decision was not “science-based” to begin with, then how could it be “science-based” to end with? Such questions will provoke an exasperated, “I can’t…I just can’t” from the ordinary, epistemically-challenged Canadian consumer.
We are meant to feel pity for the complainer that she voluntarily decided to cancel her travel (it was not that essential after all, apparently). The same regime media had Canadians cheering when the “unvaccinated” were prohibited from travelling, as has been the case for nearly a year—that decision applied to several million Canadians, not a tiny minority of hypochondriacs.
The rest of the story then degenerates into predictable, orthodox script about getting boosters, and reminding Canadians who refuse to wear masks anymore, that masks “protect”. Perpetual promoters continue their work even now that they have lost hold, but they still serve a vital purpose: they are good to laugh at.
The scrolling marquee at Oakland High School (California) I drive by every day reads,
Wear a mask...
Social distance...
Go Wildcats!
The message hasn’t changed in two years, and the kids are sadly very compliant.
When you have arsonists like Don Vinh saying 'follow the science' on masks, low information people will accept this without question because he's an 'expert'. Even though he's an infectious disease doctor and not a PPE expert.
150? You're too kind. I've been on this since June 2020. Try HUNDREDS. Including RCT studies that show they're ineffective not just in community settings but in hospitals as well.
They're superstitious amulets. Nothing more. Anyone still peddling this pseudoscience is not only a moron deceiving people but a jerk.
Not to plug myself but I created a site posting just SELECTED studies and articles. Or else it would be double what I uploaded. That's how many studies there are.
If this isn't science and evidence what is?