Public Health is the Crime: that's a simple and potent reading, and damn obvious when you bother to think about it. The suctioning of "crime" into this overtly authoritarian (but not yet discredited as such) discourse is a clear tell for where things are headed. Yikes -- but appreciate the tip.

If I come across a better description of of Public Health than this one, I'll let everyone know:

"a system of command and control, that imposes obligations and erases rights, and which operates by policing words and conduct. Bad medicine is a hallmark of its practice."

I didn't think I'd live to see a euphemism worse than Democracy Promotion, but at this point Public Health is probably top dog.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Dr. Maximilian C. Forte

Those who read to the end get a nice reward! - A Panel on vaccine injuries on a major TV Broadcaster! - I was astonished to learn that. Where else has that happened ? - certainly not in the metropolis - Fox, in the US, being a very partial exception. I was also surprised to hear of the presence in Trinidad of the Nation of Islam. In the US, they have been active since at least the 1960s; they have only a very small membership but enjoy a much wider and genuine respect in African American communities. I assume it was their principled distrust of big pharma and big medicine that was in large part responsible for the fact that vaccine uptake among black Americans was by far the lowest than for any other ethnic/racial group - the official numbers may be lies - it may be not much over 50%..

And THAT is what may account for the fact that Vaccine Passports barely got off the ground in the USA. I think the Rulers just choked at the prospect of denying access to a large portion of African Americans to cultural and sports events, restaurants, potentially public transport etc. In the end, a very small number of cities made a feeble attempt to impose it but quickly retreated. Near me, Newark NJ was an interesting case: very large Af American population; mayor is the son of a venerable poet and civil rights leader from the 1970s LeRoi Jones. He imposed a city-wide vaccine passport early this year and was the subject of great adulation (by the white political class) for his "leadership". Result? In a city where black-owned small businesses predominate (the big box stores are all out in the suburbs) the passport program was simply ignored; one journalist spent days looking for vendors who were checking vaccine papers and could find not a single one. (The largely black police force took a not-our-job approach.) It was quietly rescinded in 6 or 7 weeks.

Could it possibly be that our salvation will emerge first from the "Wretched of the Earth"?!

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