Thanks for the article Max . Good to see some sanity prevailing in at least one institution, though part of me is stuck on thinking where all these judges (and doctors and academics) when this was most important. Even still, the anger shown by The Star and it's readers is a good sign overall. Those that are committed to the lie will never quietly accept that they might have been wrong and were had all along. Nor will those pushing the lie simply admit it without defending their crimes and riling up supporters. Like a wasp colony before the winter they will get more desperate and aggressive before fizzling out ... one can hope.
Of course I don't have much faith in society rallying against all these same or worse issues the next time this happens, which is already an open discourse among "elites". The groundwork is laid, I see no reason the same path can't be tread again and pushed farther, unless there is some kind of true overturn of the corrupt political systems that we live with. That doesn't mean voting for "the other" party. It means a transparent method to apply true accountability to those in power, and a complete rejection of corrupt special interests and extraction of military control over world wide political systems.
In short, I see no fucking way in hell that happens.
It certainly can happen again, and the ruling from the Public Order Emergency Commission today is another brick in their wall. So a Canadian government from now on can crush any protest it doesn't like, on "national security" grounds. Your disagreeing with me and not liking me, is now a national security threat.
It certainly is heartwarming to see a tiny little pinprick of luminosity in the deep, dark, unlit catacombs that have been Canada in the last three years. One imagines that those brave judges might think of entering a witness protection program given the state of advancement of the Biomedical Security Apparatus thus far.
I still hold little confidence Canadians 'see' the dent. They seem to have so thoroughly accepted the narrative with a nay and scant a skeptical eye or thought.
Oh they noticed! Remember, it's an article in The Star, and the readers' angry reactions means they noticed, and the judge has them worried--if anything, at least because of the judge repeatedly emphasizing the fact that the long-term side effects are unknown. That could make many people think they are walking time bombs.
That's the attack I spoke about in the article--they can't ignore it, so they have to attack it. You didn't expect The Star to just cave and applaud the decision, did you?
Well, new ownership claimed it was going to stop being so left-wing with the narrative if memory serves me right. But you're right. No, I don't expect the monster to lash its tail petulantly.
I'm circulating your "court ruling" article, as it provides both language and perspective to bolster our resistance.
Thank you!
I'm not sure how else to reach you to get a mailing address. I have a new volume of poems titled "From Our Camp on the Glacier", a goodly portion of which concerns the pandemic wretchedness. I would like to send you a copy.
Please send me an email at, and I will send you a mailing address. Thanks, not just for the message, but for the offer of the book of poetry, much appreciated.
A fascinating synopsis, thank you. Let's hope that the whole illiberal edifice starts to crumble. It just takes a few to stand up and say "no". Bullies eventually get their come-uppance.
Thanks for the article Max . Good to see some sanity prevailing in at least one institution, though part of me is stuck on thinking where all these judges (and doctors and academics) when this was most important. Even still, the anger shown by The Star and it's readers is a good sign overall. Those that are committed to the lie will never quietly accept that they might have been wrong and were had all along. Nor will those pushing the lie simply admit it without defending their crimes and riling up supporters. Like a wasp colony before the winter they will get more desperate and aggressive before fizzling out ... one can hope.
Of course I don't have much faith in society rallying against all these same or worse issues the next time this happens, which is already an open discourse among "elites". The groundwork is laid, I see no reason the same path can't be tread again and pushed farther, unless there is some kind of true overturn of the corrupt political systems that we live with. That doesn't mean voting for "the other" party. It means a transparent method to apply true accountability to those in power, and a complete rejection of corrupt special interests and extraction of military control over world wide political systems.
In short, I see no fucking way in hell that happens.
It certainly can happen again, and the ruling from the Public Order Emergency Commission today is another brick in their wall. So a Canadian government from now on can crush any protest it doesn't like, on "national security" grounds. Your disagreeing with me and not liking me, is now a national security threat.
It certainly is heartwarming to see a tiny little pinprick of luminosity in the deep, dark, unlit catacombs that have been Canada in the last three years. One imagines that those brave judges might think of entering a witness protection program given the state of advancement of the Biomedical Security Apparatus thus far.
Judicial language/discourse can produce some of the most biting and satisfying prose — when wielded against power.
Exhilarating read!
Also. It's about time we start to put a spotlight on the judiciary.
Science and the judiciary have taken a hit. Have they noticed?
'Judicial notice' is a fancy way of condoning despotic impulses.
I still hold little confidence Canadians 'see' the dent. They seem to have so thoroughly accepted the narrative with a nay and scant a skeptical eye or thought.
Oh they noticed! Remember, it's an article in The Star, and the readers' angry reactions means they noticed, and the judge has them worried--if anything, at least because of the judge repeatedly emphasizing the fact that the long-term side effects are unknown. That could make many people think they are walking time bombs.
But aren't they 'inoculating' themselves against this by thinking it's 'misinformation' on the part of this 'crazy' judge?
That's the attack I spoke about in the article--they can't ignore it, so they have to attack it. You didn't expect The Star to just cave and applaud the decision, did you?
Well, new ownership claimed it was going to stop being so left-wing with the narrative if memory serves me right. But you're right. No, I don't expect the monster to lash its tail petulantly.
Nice work! Very well layed out.
Hi Max ~
I'm circulating your "court ruling" article, as it provides both language and perspective to bolster our resistance.
Thank you!
I'm not sure how else to reach you to get a mailing address. I have a new volume of poems titled "From Our Camp on the Glacier", a goodly portion of which concerns the pandemic wretchedness. I would like to send you a copy.
Please send me an email at, and I will send you a mailing address. Thanks, not just for the message, but for the offer of the book of poetry, much appreciated.
A fascinating synopsis, thank you. Let's hope that the whole illiberal edifice starts to crumble. It just takes a few to stand up and say "no". Bullies eventually get their come-uppance.