The devil promised ‘DISASTER SOCIALISM’
Silly kids, the donor class was never gonna fund your revolution
(editor’s note: in this essay I use the terms “Movement Left” and “Institutional Left” to distinguish regular lefties from the establishment end of the Democratic Party. For more detail on the interplay between the two groups see this previous essay.)
In literature, the sacrifice of one’s ‘spiritual values’ for material gain is called a Faustian Bargain. In politics that’s just another day at the office. Values are considered a weakness in the neoliberal wasteland we inhabit, and never has this been more nakedly evident than in the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Molly Ball’s “Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” published in Time Magazine just 16 days after Biden’s inauguration, we learned that the Institutional Left conspired with Democratic Party elites along with corporations, big media and Silicon Valley to politicize the public health and COVID-19. Even though I’ve been marveling at this story since it came out, it wasn’t until recently, as I was reviewing the Institutional Left’s COVID-19 messaging guidelines that I realized how early the Movement Left was pulled into this confederacy, and worse, that the proof of concept for the anti-Trump project that Ball wrote about in Time Magazine was knocking Bernie out of the primaries.
The messaging guidelines (e.g. above) provided by US progressive organizations funded by family foundations (Ford, Rockefeller, et al) are pictured and discussed below. They are constructed from four basic premises aimed at the Institutional Left’s stated opposition: neoliberals, libertarians, and populist conservatives. The four premises are negations of their opposition’s messaging. Here’s that messaging. The premise is in bold and the matching Institutional Left COVID-19 messaging in italics:
individualism is how a neoliberal or conservative sees the world. To negate this, Institutional Left messaging is “to pull together.”
free market is a libertarian value. The negation: “take care of all of us—not just corporations.”
small government is advocated by neoliberals, libertarians and conservatives. To negate this, the COVID-19 messaging says “invest in local government,” to invest in “us.”
racist appeals to white supremacy typifies how opponents respond to the world. The negation is to “come together across the differences used to divide us.”
A keen reader might notice that the underlying ideology is aimed at individuals rather than systems, which is obviously contradictory to “pulling together.” The talking points are crafted to heighten the differences that divide us because they’re tools of a political campaign not a public health initiative. They seem created with social media in mind, as they’re suggested to be used as responses to things other people say, such as “response to racism, othering, dog-whistles,” and “response to individualism.” As we’ll see later, the messaging was developed in conjunction with the “Protect The Vote” project that Ball writes about in Time Magazine. Incredibly, the dates on these messaging guidelines show that the types of talking points the Institutional Left rolled out to try to control discussion around the COVID pandemic were in place far ahead of the public discourse. Examples are found here and here.
The critical issue at the core of the progressive industrial complex isn’t that messaging guidelines are weak, it’s that the Institutional Left is funded by the family foundations of Oil Barons and Nazis.
Stop believing these devils will one day fund your “revolution.”
COVID-19 messaging guidelines released just a week later promise the opportunity to do what I’d characterize as “Disaster Socialism.” Activists were told that the coming pandemic would so cripple society that it would need to be rebuilt, which would afford the opportunity to “push towards decommodification and public control: from pro-equity restrictions on financial corporations,” to the incorporation of “formerly private hospitals into the public system.” This would be our opening to “nationalize significant aspects of the US economy, from fossil fuel corporations to the airline industry and beyond.”
Oddly these particular messaging guidelines also wag a finger at “far right…nationalists” who accuse Bill Gates and George Soros of “partnering” with China “to produce the coronavirus as a bio-weapon to attack the United States.” This stands out as a bizarre and confusing detail tacked on at the end of the document, almost as addenda—but it’s actually brilliant disinformation. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation doesn’t show up on government contracts related to work in Wuhan. Instead, Gates Foundation funded Event 201 which was held in China a few weeks prior to the outbreak (more on this below). This misdirection seems designed to obfuscate important details of the virus origin: US researchers developed it in coordination with Chinese researchers in work funded by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA, which obviously does weapons work—not healthcare). Research on this project was conducted in both the US and China, so it makes sense to 1) ask what its intended use was, and 2) understand how the partnership with China in gain-of-function research squares with US national security interests. These are straightforward questions—nothing convoluted, as the talking point would have you believe.
Obviously Disaster Socialism didn’t pan out. Instead, the Institutional Left enlisted Movement Lefties in the largest Disaster Capitalist project ever conceived. This scam wouldn’t have worked with the politicization of public health, which research suggests may have caused as many as 17 million deaths worldwide from unsafe and ineffective gene therapy products. This is in addition to ongoing “excess deaths,” and the largest transfer of wealth to the upper 1% ever in human history.
Progressives who rightly believe that public health is a top priority during a pandemic were made willing accomplices in a giant, murderous ripoff. And it was the Institutional Left that sat at our cultural crossroads, enticing Movement Lefties with the promise that they’ll outsmart the devil and achieve their wildest dreams if they’d just sign-on to the program. The deal put before them was to use the money and power of capitalist financiers to, essentially, overthrow capitalism.
The Movement Left lost its soul in this deal. Those like myself and many others who are injured and bereaved will never trust them again. I hope to place the blame where it belongs—at the feet of the Institutional Left.
At 7000 words, Ball’s article takes about an hour to read and it’s so full of revelations that it’s easy to lose focus, but COVID-19 plays a central role in the conspiracy, as it was used to drive fear and increase urgency of political messaging. Midway through the article, in a section called “The Alliance,” Ball gives credit to the team that roped progressives into their “deal with the devil.” The center of the “secret alliance” that politicized COVID-19 was AFL-CIO political strategist Mike Podhorzer. Next we have Institutional Left data maven Laura Quinn known for Catalist data. Finally we’re introduced to political strategist Anat Shenker-Osorio who’s attached to AFL-CIO, Open Society, and the Democracy Alliance donor network. She wrote the messaging guidelines shown above.
By the time COVID-19 emerged Podhorzer had been networking the left with CEOs for a couple of months; since late 2019. Per these messaging documents, the weaponization of the emerging public health crisis was presented to progressive organizations and the Movement Left at-large as their chance at Disaster Socialism. Those who played along would hit the jackpot if all went according to plan. This deal was taken up by many left YouTubers who, to this day, continue to fill their channels with low-value, anti-Trump glurge. They did their bit to promote Biden and haven’t been the same since.
The timeline necessary to deliver these campaigns by Super Tuesday (March 3, 2020), suggests that work was initiated by funders around late January, early February at the latest. This is the same time that FOIA’d emails show Anthony Fauci and others at CDC/NIAID cooked-up their conspiracy to hide gain-of-function work at Wuhan. Just seems an odd coincidence that the Institutional Left published their core COVID-19 campaign materials on the same day, March 15, that the infamous “Proximal Origin of COVID-19” paper was published in the journal Nature, which was part of the Fauci conspiracy to hide US bioweapons work at the China-based lab. Remarkably, these dates also coincide with the final Bernie-Biden debate when Bernie took his dive.
With the Podhorzer’s AFL-CIO driving the electoral project, it’s not unreasonable to assume that unions and progressive organizations were pressuring Bernie’s campaign with the pandemic narrative as soon as they possibly could—likely after the Iowa Caucuses, which you’ll remember he actually won, but the DNC stole from him through meddling with caucus software developed by people show up at the center of this and other Democratic Party Machine conspiracies.
Fascinating to me that Bernie was the first to sound the alarm about in-person voting potentially vectoring virus to poll workers, while Biden campaign spokesperson Symone Sanders went on MSNBC to declare that “voting rights”—not a public health—was what mattered to Joe. For an administration that became to devoted to fighting “dis-and-misinformation” they were sure keen to spread their own lies when it benefitted them.
As soon as Bernie “bent the knee” at the debate, our public discourse made a radical 180-degree turn with Democratic Party elites suddenly so concerned with public health that a national vote-by-mail program must be instituted immediately so as not to endanger our precious voters and election workers.
In contradiction to Osorio’s talking point that, “We stand united against a handful of politicians and corporate insurance and pharma industries that would use this crisis to generate profits,” the Institutionalists provided cover for these interests, especially regarding the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. I know because I argued frequently for cheap, repurposed therapeutics that any ‘frontline’ worker could easily afford thereby reducing impact on the healthcare system. Given most low-income workers in retail, service jobs, and gig work don’t have health insurance, it’s foolish to withhold information about protection such as vitamin D and antiseptic gargles are known provide. Actual public health information that could save lives was so bent around the political discourse that at one point Twitter announced that they would ban any account that spoke of gargling with antiseptic mouthwash to guard against respiratory virus—which is a time-tested, and clinically proven method of reducing respiratory virus.
And of course, the entire #resistance (plus their software that mimics personas) lined up against hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as if they were radioactive rightwing waste instead of safe and effective medicine that even a barista could afford. But felonious Democratic financier Sam Bankman-Fried funded fake clinical trials to impugn cheap repurposed drugs, and the Institutional Left in 2020 depended on dark money like his and that provided by pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer and Moderna.
It’s been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that those two cheap repurposed drugs do exactly what their champions said they would. They prophylaxis and early treatment of COVID-19, and far fewer people would’ve died if they’d had access to them. But, the popes of the Democratic Party declared this to be forbidden knowledge— despite the fact that FDA even issued an Emergency Use Authorization for hydroxychloroquine and hospitals stockpiled it because it is the gold standard for treating SARS infection. FDA rescinded the EUA only when CDC opted for a global experiment with mRNA gene products, which tells you everything you need to know about our captured health agencies.
For me, the darkest propaganda in The Alliance messaging guidelines instructed the Movement Left to use complaints of racism to control public opinion on the origin of the emerging virus. Movement Left progressives provided cover for intelligence agencies engaged in gain-of-function research which continues to make us all less safe.
Every messaging document I’ve reviewed (e.g. here, here, here) warns progressives steeped in identity politics away from associating the virus with China because that’s antithetical to the “coming together” required to achieve Disaster Socialism. Says Osorio in her talking points, “the messages we must disrupt are rooted in xenophobia, racism, and individualism…people will be susceptible to fearing “the other,”…media and certain public figures will actively or inadvertently stoke that fear.” None of the virologists engaged in the origins debate were animated by racism—they were animated by the truth. Instead of “coming together,” the left attempted to cancel these researchers for exposing clandestine bioweapons work which actually does “endanger us all,” as suggested by Osorio et al in their messaging guidelines.
Virologists had already determined that COVID-19’s provenance was 99.9% artificial, because of the “novel furin cleavage site” which enables human infection. No previous virus in the clade has this feature, and we now have documentation that American contractors were performing this exact same gain of function research at Wuhan where biological weapons programs were carried out.
Sure, standing against racist attacks is a bedrock left value, but you need actual racist attacks in order for that to work—otherwise you’re just silencing legitimate science.
Accusations of racism were used against those trying to tell a critically important story: that the US has been collecting and performing gain-of-function research on esoteric viruses for decades under our bioweapons programs laundered through USAID, NIAID, and CDC. The Movement Left should’ve been demanding accountability from those agencies for their bioweapons programs instead of acting as the CIA’s attack dogs.
Ball’s article also provides insight into the creation of the “Censorship Industrial Complex” by introducing normies to “Laura Quinn, the veteran progressive operative who co-founded Catalist.” Ball writes that Quinn also “piloted a nameless, secret project, which she has never before publicly discussed, that tracked disinformation online and tried to figure out how to combat it.” The fight against “disinformation” was used throughout the pandemic to provide cover for powerful corporations and their capitalist financiers while vaccine injured patients such as myself couldn’t tell our own stories without being attacked by Movement Left activists who use “swarm and report” methods to deplatform voices they disagree with.
Quinn’s other role in the conspiracy was to recruit Silicon Valley to assist the Democrats by “pushing social media platforms to take a harder line,” against “dangerous disinformation,” which resulted in silencing victims, researchers, and clinicians who were trying to save lives. Ball’s article touts Quinn’s work dated as far back as November 2019, when she arranged a meeting with Mark Zuckerberg, who would be “warned him about the danger of the alleged election-related falsehoods that were already spreading unchecked.”
November 2019 is mentioned in the article as a turning point for Podhorzer. As relates to COVID-19 the November date is interesting because that’s only days after the “Event 201” pandemic simulation sponsored by the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The role-playing workshop focused heavily on controlling public opinion and involved representatives from media worldwide. A central participant was Biden Administration Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines who’s also a principal (along with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken) in the government affairs consultancy WestExec Partners, which peddles influence to clients such as Blackstone, Facebook, McKinsey & Co, Google, Shield AI, a drone surveillance company, pharmaceutical giant Gilead, data-mining company Palantir, and Windward, an Israeli artificial intelligence firm.
Given that corporate roster it’s no surprise that the Institutional Left echoed Event 201’s censorship calls to action: “governments and the private sector…to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response.”
The Institutional Left is a very small world, and their capitalist financiers are members of an even more exclusive club. It’s the financiers who were invited to experience Event 201. Then, whispers of a virus with a lab origin began circulating in early January. That information would be relayed in whole or in part to the group (or, cabal, if you will) at the center of this political campaign. Since countering misinformation was the point of Quinn’s “secret unnamed project,” you could say the public health crisis was exploited in exactly the manner laid out in Event 201, including through the use of technology predicated on newly acquired biopowers granted via the pandemic emergency.
Previous generations understood that the Movement Left has no business running propaganda for corporate and state interests. But much of the left is populated with young activists who were born into identity politics, austerity and mass surveillance through social media. They’ve been trained to believe that “canceling” an individual is somehow equal to achieving a policy goal. As an older veteran of left movements, the last few years since the pandemic has felt like watching toddlers waddle into oncoming traffic. Our role has got to be to hold these interests to account. When we join forces with them—making deals with devils—we open ourselves and our movements to destruction.
My concerns align with those delivered by propaganda expert Piers Robinson at the Parliament in Bucharest, Romania where he said, “…blunt censorship has been used to attempt to prevent serious and informed debate about what was, by any measure, an unprecedentedly draconian response to a declared health emergency. The slippage into nefarious activities such as smear campaigns and the creation of a highly coercive environment, leading to job losses and legal action, is further evidence of quite how far we have fallen from our democratic ideals.” These negative outcomes could have been mitigated if the Movement Left refused to enter into a codependent relationship with plutocrat-funded institutions.
Instead of demanding truth and accountability, the left helped in the program of coercion, surveillance and smearing those who spoke out to protect others. When Institutional Left elites delivered the very somber news of an emerging pandemic, the Movement Left blazed into action to launch a corporate propaganda campaign rather than a public health effort.
To recap, the politicization of COVID-19 1) played a key role in the scheme to tank Bernie Sanders, while 2) appearing simultaneously with the bogus “Proximal Origins” paper that was, 3) the result of a conspiracy of our public health leaders to keep secret their biological weapons program in Wuhan, China. Through this we now have a propaganda apparatus that’s metastasized throughout our thoroughly captured media, and enforced by a Movement Left which seems enthusiastic to re-make social media into a corporate-friendly environment where speech is policed by political consultants and military contractors.
Pharmaceutical companies, DARPA, and the Department of Homeland Security must’ve been crapping their pants at the degree to which the left defiled themselves during COVID-19, and continue to do so with midwit proclamations such as, “Our own health depends on the health of the person next to us, and the person next to them,” which is another of Osorio’s talking points. This one is borrowed from the right wing who love to say that they pay for overweight smokers on their insurance. It’s also used to scrutinize the BMI of the working poor receiving government food assistance.
The end result of Institutional Left’s politicization of COVID-19 was best summed up by @0ddette on Twitter, who wrote, “One of the most incredible things to observe over the past few years was the simultaneous expression of the ideas that: every individual was not just responsible—but culpable, for the health of those around them, while a for-profit health industry had no institutional liabilities.”
The blame for wrongdoing here lies squarely with the Institutional Left’s political operatives, Podhorzer/Quinn/Osorio et al, who knowingly exploited the goodwill of Movement Left. But let’s be real—the left needs to upgrade their bullshit detection, and recommit to our principles. These institutions that pay salaries of ‘organizers’ are not in the business of socialist reform, and they never will be. They serve the interests of oligarchs.
Privacy and bodily autonomy must be considered sacrosanct. These are bedrock principles of abortion rights, so the left ought to be more familiar with ‘em. No one can tell you what to put in your body, or know your bodily status without your approval. The more shrill the entreaty, the more cautious you need to be as an individual making decisions that will affect your entire life going forward.
The Institutional Left NEVER talks about issues like war-and-peace, digital privacy, bodily autonomy, or shifting government spending away from defense. Have you not wondered why? The money in those family foundations that fund the Institutional Left was made from war and now they’re invested in data and pharmaceuticals. Hell will freeze over before the Institutional Left steps out into these subject areas. That’s their deal with devil. It doesn’t have to be yours.